Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Unlike some fortunate people, work started today! While all my colleagues (the chinese ones) are having a break till end of this week, I have to deal with 30 tickets/users and 101 pending admin work. Micro skills will be obtained soon enough with all these crazy flows of mails, procedures and yada yada... hopefully it will pay off and win me a game of Dota or two in the end of the day.

I believe in the Chinese saying that goes something like this:

"For a general to win a battle and claim the throne, millions shall die"

There is nothing wrong with the saying, because it does not speak of stealing, cheating or destroying. It merely says that many shall be sacrificed in order for you to reach the top, the "many" here can be anything/anyone. It doesn't have to be just your competitors, it could be your attitude or perspective towards certain issues.

Think about it, when you achieve success, surely someone will fail, when you are getting all the lime light, surely someone will be ignored/overlooked. It is not within our control, things such as these just happen. There isn't anything sad or negative about it, losing doesn't mean it is end of the world, it just simply proves that you are not good enough.

So? Get better and win lar!

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