Monday, February 05, 2007

Server down

The first thing I see when I open my eyes are blurry visions.

When I try to walk out of my room my steps are not solid. Heck I can't even walk straight.

The next thing I know I found myself sitting down on the floor because the hallway is spinning.

That is when I know I've lost to exhaustion. I won't admit that I am old. I'm just worn out from work. Futsal when you don't feel too well is not a good idea. Seriously...

Even now as I type out this post before I go back to sleep takes a toll out of me but I still want to fight with exhaustion and see how much longer I can last before the error "Server Down!" appears before my eyes and black out takes place. Doubt that will happen.

Am doing some work at the same time. I shall prevail!

Urgh... can't... too dizzy to think... auto shutdown commencing in 10 seconds...

*Server powered down*


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