Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Word of the Day...

Time to Write

1) Extreme care in spending money; reluctance to spend money unnecessarily
2) Excessively sparing or frugal.
3) Stingy

Oh... if any of you are wondering what in the world am I posting this word on my blog, erm it is because:

I just found out that there's actually a word such as this this morning while reading waiterrant's blog. It's been awhile since I've expanded my vocabs list, I do enjoy learning about languages very much, all those intriguing yet ever expanding and sophisticated vocabs, funny grammatical errors, and so forth.

Shall not drift too far off from topic with my over enthusiastic love for languages. It is a shame that my command in all the languages that I know of (Mandarin, B.M and Enlgish) are weak, imagine how fun it would be to be good at either one of them! I could write books, poems, stage play, articles! I could be a journalist, a writer, a reporter.

Aha... ok, time to work. Earth is calling out to me.
