Tuesday, June 03, 2008

break+boredom=cancel leave

I took the entire week off just so I can be a filial son bringing my mom out for fancy lunch, movies, and even some shopping till how ever much my wallet could last.

Lease that I know, mom actually had her own plan for the week and left her good son sitting at home with nothing to do.

Surfing the net, watching drama series, reading comics, *blergh* boring activities.

So in the end, the intelligent me decided to cancel tomorrow's leave and go back to work. WOOT!

At least I had Wednesday planned. So going to continue on with the leave taking. As for Thursday and Friday? Hmm, have not decided yet. We'll see how things going in the end.

Time to sleep, going for the first shift tomorrow morning. It is going to be a heck of a work day with holiday mood still in mind.

Can't wait for Dark Knight to arrive. Hope it is similar if not better than Ironman.

Hmm, hope can surprise dizzy daizy tomorrow when I go back to work when I should've been on leave. The expression on her face, would be priceless.


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