Friday, March 23, 2007

I think...

... people that gets their head bigger than the cap they are wearing are pain in the heinz (ketchup and chilli sauce brand)

... people that put others down so that they can feel good are in need of lourve (the place in France)

... people that tries too hard to act innocent are dizguztingz and should get a moral lesson about honesty.

... people that lie with eyes wide open are highly skilled con artist that one day might own the world.

... yippiecrites are hypocrites yuppies.

... I am random to the ultimate max lately and time for a high doze of caffeine!!!

... Unc Mike and Aunty Chiew Har are cool and their successors - Pastor Judah and Pastor Rose are omega rocking.

... I want to go home but cannot since still got work... RAH RAH RAH!

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