Thursday, November 09, 2006

I'm going to start my new job tommorrow as a true blue tech support guy. Now you can call me Mr.Technician! *echoed 2 times*

It's been great working as a cloner for the pass 4 months, nothing much to complain except for the fact that I've been pretty busy and free in the same time, don't know how that happen.

Now, I got a new team lead, new team members, and well, new environment to adapt into. Hope that my next breakthrough in my career will come soon, this time, please allow me to have a pay raise!

God, I thank you and praise you for the blessings. God is good.

On the other hand, falling for a girl that likes solitude is like slamming yourself into a brick wall, especially when this wall appears in such irregular patterns that you can't even predict for your life when you will hit it full on. The wall can be a comfortable cushion at times and in the nick of a second, BAMM!! *ouch*

Ah well, its all good. Part of life, part of the current motion. It'll be all over before I can spell "Absolut"

Before I sign off, would like to take this opportunity to make a shout out to Yangalinghams, happy birthday and may you have a prosperous year you business man.

Mr.Technician singing off...

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