Monday, July 09, 2007

Dream Come True

There is this kid, whose name is Siah. This is a story about him.

Few years ago Siah had a dream, a dream to achieve Hyper Treadingness when he got his new Black Machina. But due to under budget, he can't afford to upgrade the firing rate of this Black Machina to Hyper Treading (HT).

All he need is a microchip and his sexeh Black Machina will be firing rounds and rounds of plasma rays with ease. He's been wondering for way too long to remember how long will he get himself an upgrade...

But it's all over now, all those times of day dreaming about the upgrade have come to an end. Now with the help of 512mb Kingston DDR1 RAM, the Black Machina fires up like smooth chocolate. Ooh... hotz... People meet the RAM :
I lover you RAM!!! 1GB babeh!

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