It is weird to have so many things going on in life yet non of them felt lasting nor permanent.
I guess thats why we need to embrace moments in life which are significant for that very second just so we have memories which we can fall back to as we continue through the course of life?
Wow... deep... ahaha...
Its almost 2 in the morning and I'm still up. Sitting on a semi deformed chair typing away. Not comfortable at all. Listening to songs from Denise's blog. Guess what? She is old enough to get her 'Undang'... gosh... I'm old!
Hmm the deepness just went *poofed*
Urgh, feeling so transparent now as though I do not exists. Nothing emo about this, nor am I in depression. Its just a feeling I get most of the time. Moment of weakness? Heh...
I'm labeled as a ladies man again today. I'll spare those boring details of how I saved the damsel from distress, my point is... what point was I going to get to again? Oh yeah... I've been called a fag again. Haha... ladies man.... I don't want that, my macho side tells me so. Metro sexual... *ptui*
Random post again. Time for bed. Work still goes on tomorrow. Having colleagues who will take leave for the sake of watching football match I can understand, but to take leave just to watch Thomas Cup? What is wrong with all of you! Haha...