Monday, November 20, 2006

This weekend I've invested alot of time in character development. Hours upon hours I would force myself to exercise my fingers and to focus in order for me to build up 5 - 6 good characters and strengthening them in every way. This is so that when I finally meet some moving monster walls...etc I would be able to take my stand and fend them off.

Yes, it's all in two days work that I've reach the required level to fend off most enemies. Since I still don't have my comp with me, that's all I can do now. Ah! Final Fantasy XII, such a nice game to play. Heh, for those who didn't really get it, it's ok. ;p It's a Monday morning so trying to be funny abit, laugh hard even if it's not funny alright? heh..

Well, it's my sister's 21st birthday yesterday. Poor girl, there aren't any huge fancy parties thrown because I suspect my parents sorta forgotten about it due to busy work schedules. Don't really blame them, they are not that young anymore. Well, at least mom made a pretty tasty dinner in return. Birthdays have not really been a big hoo haa in me family, celebrations are often very unplanned, it's always spontaneous. So only thing I can say to her is better luck next time.

Here's a random quote I bump into through a forwarded email:
"Doubt that the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

-William Shakespeare, Hamlet-
For my frequent visitors, have a blasting week ahead.

Evil brother signing off...

Currently Listening:

Save Room - John Legend

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