Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Moving to helpdesk is something exciting, but knowing that your replacement, a diploma holder with less experience than you getting a higher pay than you? It's something disturbing. And on top of that, the pass 2 weeks, I had my own team lead stab me from the back with accusations and complaints which are non existent.

I'm currently in the "WTF" mood where little things will get me ticked but since I'm still in the office, I have to smile and be nice to everyone. I'm good at it now, not letting my emotions show when I don't want them to.

It's not really about the money, RM100 difference its not a big hoo haa, but the idea of it bugs me to the core. Because I feel short changed. While I'm being ethical and honest, these corporate vultures took advantages over that and set me up. Yet, no one can be blamed except myself for being a naive green horn.

The idea of "You reap what you sow" apparently doesn't apply in the corporate world. At least not in where I work because I ain't getting nothing solid for my hardwork. The lateral move to helpdesk is another sucker job that I'm entitled to for being naive and stupid.

I'm just venting.

Furious worker signing off...

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